Sale Tag Installation

In July 2021, Shopify released a new theme architecture called Online Store 2.0. Themes that use the previous architecture are called  vintage themes. Depending on the theme version of your store, the procedure to setup the sale tag varies.

Vintage Themes

1. Edit theme.liquid file and add the following code snippet just before the closing </head> tag.

{{ shop.metafields.gzapps.tsm-sale-tag }}

2. Add the following code snippet in the product template(s) of your theme. It must go inside the product media container.

<div id="gz-tsm-sale-tag" data-product="{{product.handle}}"></div>

3. (Optional) To display the sale tag in collection pages products, add the following code snippet in the product card (e.g. product-card-grid.liquid) of your theme. It must go inside the product container.

<div class="gz-tsm-sale-tag-collection" data-product="{{product.handle}}"></div>

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Online Store 2.0 themes

1. Go to the Online Store page of the Sales Channel section in the admin panel and click in the Customize button for your current theme.

2. In the theme editor, navigate to one of your product details pages.

3. In the editor panel, go to the bottom, click on the Add section and choose the Sale tag widget block.

4. Drag the newly created section (usually called Apps) and move it just before the Product information section.